If your TinyLineMarker robot gets stuck in 'Float Fix' mode, it means it's having trouble getting an accurate GPS signal. This guide will walk you through common causes and troubleshooting steps to get you back to precise line marking
The TinyLineMarker robots use RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) positioning to paint lines with high accuracy. There are different levels of positioning accuracy, and our line-marking robots use only the highest level.
No fix means that the robot has no sense of its position at all.
SPS (Standard Positioning Service) is the first position fix that GPS systems achieve. Each increasing step achieves a greater level of accuracy. (3-10 meters).
DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) accuracy increases to 1-3 cm.
Float fix is a less accurate GPS positioning state.
System running also just known as Fix is the state with the highest level of accuracy.
In some cases, you might experience the robot being stuck on Float fix as seen in this picture:
If this is your case, please follow the troubleshooting guide shown below.
Float fix troubleshooting
Is the robot near any objects?
For optimal performance, keep the robot clear of obstructions like cars, tractors, people, walls, and fences. These can block the satellite signals and prevent them from working correctly. Try the following:
- Move the robot to an open area away from any potential obstructions.
- Wait for the robot to acquire FIX mode (indicated by a green light). This may take a few moments.
- If the issue persists, restart the robot after moving it to a clear location.
Are you trying to paint near buildings or trees?
Obstacles, such as buildings and trees, can obstruct the antenna's view of the sky, weakening the signal and potentially causing the robot to enter a FLOAT fix state. The Tree Filter function can help in such situations, but it's not effective for very tall buildings. Here's how to activate the Tree Filter:
- Select the field where you want to enable the Tree Filter. Tap on "Modify", then press "Edit".
- On the next menu, tap on "Advanced".
- Note the Tree Filter color and tap the desired lines several times until it turns orange. Then tap "OK".
- Save the field and then start painting.
Tip: When marking near objects, try slowing down the robot to enhance its ability to receive GPS correction signals. This could increase its accuracy.
Have you tried changing the mount point?
The mount point determines how the robot gets its GPS signal. It specifies the type of technology used, which satellites the robot connects to, and how the signals are corrected.
If you are having issues with float fix, a solution might be to manually change the mount point on the robot. This process is immediate and doesn't require a restart. Mount point configurations vary by region or country, so please contact support for a list of available options in your area. To change the mount point, you can follow these steps:
- Locate and tap on the settings menu (
- In the settings menu, go to the "Communication" tab and find the Mount Point text field.
- Type in a different mount point provided by support and tap "Save". Each time you save, a new set of “stored settings” is created, making it easy to choose from later.
- Close the menu and then manually control the robot using the joystick. This should hopefully resolve the issue and turn the robot light green.
Have you tried resetting the GNSS receiver?
The robot uses an advanced GNSS chip to process GPS signals. Sometimes the chip can get overloaded with data, becoming unresponsive. To resolve this, try adjusting the NTRIP server settings as described below.
- Locate and tap the settings menu(
- Enter the "Communication" tab and find the "NTRIP server" text field.
- Make a minor, temporary change to the "NTRIP server" setting (remember the original setting). Press "Save", which should trigger an NTRIP server error. Revert the setting back to the original and press "Save" again.
The robot will reconnect to the GPS provider and download fresh GPS data. This should result in a Fix solution. You might need to drive the robot around briefly using the joystick.
Alternatively, try turning off the robot for 3 to 5 minutes. This can also clear the GNSS receiver's cache and reset its connection.
Other factors that can cause float fix
Many factors outside our control can cause FLOAT fix issues. If none of the above solutions work, please contact support here.
These issues might include:
- Issues with the GNSS provider.
- GPS Reference stations offline.
- GPS Reference stations are too far away.
- Mixed clouds or poor weather conditions.
- High solar activity