What is napping
"Napping" refers to the strength and direction of grass blades on a field. It becomes a problem when sports clubs cut and roll the grass, resulting in patterns like the ones shown below.
When the direction of the grass (the nap) changes, it can push the robot to the side. The robot reacts to this by correcting its course, which can result in a wobbly line.
Example of napping
The image below shows two lines: one painted with Antinapping and one without. The line on the left, painted without Antinapping, demonstrates how uneven a line can become when the robot encounters napping. The line on the right, painted with antinapping, is much straighter.
How do I enable Antinapping
Antinapping is a special filter designed to help your TinyLineMarker robot paint straighter lines when facing obstacles like thick or uneven grass. Antinapping compensates for this by automatically slowing the robot's speed and adjusting its movements to maintain a straight path.
When using Antinapping, make sure the robot's speed is set to 'Slow' for all lines, even those without the filter enabled. This ensures consistent paint application and brightness across the entire field.
How to change Spray speed and Drive speed:
1. Navigate to the app settings by tapping the gear icon() at the top left corner of your home screen.
2. Select 'Robot Settings' from the settings menu.
3. Find the 'Drive speed' and 'Spray speed' sections and tap 'Slow speed' on both.
How to enable Antinapping:
1. Select the field you want to activate Antinapping on.
2. Press 'Modify', then 'Edit' and 'Advanced'.
3. In advanced settings, tap the lines you wish to enable Antinapping on until they turn blue. Tap 'OK' and then 'Save'.
4. Antinapping is now enabled on the blue lines.