Image: Example of a custom logo for the 2022 UEFA European Women's Football Championship
Using the Custom logo feature, you can import logos or other images to the TinyLineMarker app, and paint them on your field.
If you want to paint custom logos yourself, the first step is to purchase access to the custom logo feature, and you are ready to paint!
Preparing your logo file for import
Before you can start painting, you must import your logo or image into the app. To do this successfully, your logo needs to meet specific requirements:
- Your logo must be saved in the SVG format.
- The robot will paint the outlines of any shapes and letters in the file.
- The robot will not paint the fill inside any shape or letter.
Image: The robot will paint the outlines of all shapes in the SVG file, regardless of color fill. In this example, the two squares overlap each other which means that their outlines will be painted. Even if the black square was at 100% opacity, the overlap would still be painted even if it exists in the file
- Ensure that there are no hidden lines or shapes in your image. A white shape might not be visible on the screen, but if it exists in the SVG, its outline will be painted.
- The smallest curve in the logo will be painted with a minimum radius of 1 meter (approximately 3 feet).
Please see the recommendations at the bottom of this guide for best results.
Placing your logo file on the tablet
- Use your USB cable to connect your tablet to your PC or Mac.
- On a Mac, you need to install a small program to allow file transfers to the tablet. The program can be found here:
- Turn on your tablet.
- Find and double-click the Tablet (Galaxy Tab Active2 or 3 for newer robots) folder on your PC or Mac.
Image: Locate the tablet on your computer. In Windows, it should be in "This PC".
4. Find the SVG file on your PC or Mac and copy it to the root Tablet folder and not in
any of the sub-folders such as “Download”, “Pictures” etc.
5. You can now disconnect your tablet.
Image: The SVG file copied to the tablet folder. Remember to locate your logo files in the root tablet folder, and not in any of the sub-folders.
Painting your custom logo
1. Press +New field. Select the custom logo folder (The folder symbol to the left).
Image: Tablet screenshot showing the Custom logo folder.
2. Press Click to open the file.
3. Locate your logo on the tablet. If you do not see your SVG file at first, please open the menu (the three lines in the upper left corner) and select Galaxy Tab Active2 (or 3 for newer robots). This will open the right location on the tablet.
4. Tap your logo file.
5. Your file has now been imported and you can resize, turn, copy, and name your logo as you want.
6. Press Save.
Now your logo has been saved to the cloud just like any other field.
Image: Tablet screenshot showing an example of a custom logo placed on the map.
How do I get the best results?
Tip #1: Enable guides
Enable Starting Arrows, Directional Arrows, and Robot Path in Settings. This will show you how the robot intends to paint the design. This will also show you if there are many start and end points in which case you may want to enlarge your design.
Tip #2: Enlarge your design
If the curvatures of curved lines become too small, the robot needs to separate the line into smaller line segments and paint them one at a time. Therefore, please enlarge the design on the background map if some curves are causing problems and try again.
Tip #3: Simplify your design
If the above tips have been tried and the result is still not satisfactory, simplifying the design file may be necessary. This can be done by either rounding corners or omitting lines that are causing problems, or changing contours to single lines.